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Year 4

Welcome to the children and families of Year Four.


The teachers in year four this year will be Mrs Greenway (Epic Elephants), and Mr West (Groovy Gorillas).  The  supporting adults will be Mrs Prime, Mrs Fairall, Mrs McKegg, Mrs Gibbs, and Miss Pooley. Mrs Bryan will be responsible for teaching French this year.



Curriculum Overview



In English, the children will be using 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne to support their learning. They will be using a range of grammar skills including expanded noun phrases to complete character and setting descriptions. They will also work towards writing their own ending of the story.  



For Maths, the children will be working through a unit relating to place value. This will be done using Power Maths.

Key vocabulary for this unit will include: tens, hundreds, thousands, rounding, order, more than>, less than<, partition, numerals, nearest, and distance.


Times tables will be rehearsed on a regular basis.  



Our Science topic will be light. The children will be finding out about different sources of light and how light enables us to see things.



The topic work completed in the early part of term will also relate to 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. The classes will be discussing how people are different, look at a range of art techniques used within the book, and explore imaginary places full of hidden treasures.    



Mr Bray will be delivering Tag Rugby in our P.E. lessons this half term.



School Rules and settling into new surroundings will be the focus of our PSHE sessions.



The children will have regular tasks that relate to the year 3 and 4 National Curriculum spellings. They will also continue to develop knowledge and application of different spelling rules. 







Please see the attached letter that outlines homework expectations this year.


Please use the links below to access homework learning platforms.

