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British Values


At Desford Community Primary School, we uphold and embed the British Values and nurture our pupils with our caring community ethos of Be Kind to yourself, others and the environment so that they learn how to grow into the kind, confident and respectful citizens that we are proud of.

All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) of their pupils.  We place a high level of importance on our pupils' SMSC development through our curriculum, school assemblies, behaviour policy and our caring community ethos that is demonstrated by staff, pupils and parents in everything that we do.


What are the British Values and how do we embed them in our school?

  • Our children vote for their class councillors who then represent their views on big school issues.
  • Pupils are able to recommend the awarding of Dojo Points to other pupils for following the school rules.
  • Within school, we discuss the importance of making the right choices and how this affects everyone in our community.
  • Class Court gives the pupils further opportunities to vote on everyday things of personal importance.
  •  Our school has a very clear school rule Be Kind to Yourself, Others and the Environment that guides the behaviour of all members of our community.
  • We have a clear behaviour policy that embeds the school rule and which is promoted in all aspects of school life.
  • Staff and Governors work together to represent the best interests of all pupils.


  • Our pupils are nurtured to be independent and to make the right choices that are right for them and everyone in the school community.
  • Pupils are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities that broaden their horizons and help them to find their talents.
  • We address all forms of bullying so that all pupils can expect to feel safe at school.
  • The ethos of our school, lived out every day in the behaviour we expect from all members of our school community, centres around respect.
  • Throughout all of our teaching, we promote the message of respect for everyone we meet.
  • Sport plays a big part in our school life and respect is nurtured through these activities.
  • We promote the theme of respect when studying the faiths and traditions of other cultures.

  • All teaching at Desford teaches our pupils that we are all different, unique and equal.
  • Our curriculum gives our pupils a good understanding of the world's wider beliefs, faiths and cultures.
  • Our pupil's support a number of charities and people less advantaged than themselves by raising funds and awareness throughout the year.
    • Pupils often work in teams and are encouraged to support all individual members towards shared success