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Curriculum Intent

At Desford Community Primary School, we place a lot of importance on understanding the context of the community in which our children live, grow and develop.  Children in Desford deserve to learn from a curriculum that has been designed to give them the knowledge, understanding and experience that enables them to think critically about the world around them and grow into KIND, RESPECTFUL CITIZENS that make a difference in their communities and the wider world.


To make sure that our children become kind and respectful citizens, our curriculum has four main drivers that provide every child with the tools to thrive in the modern world.  At the heart of everything in our curriculum, is our 'BE KIND' ethos that drives everything that we do.


Our Curriculum Intent Drivers

To make sure that our children become kind and respectful citizens, our curriculum has four main drivers

that provide every child with the tools they need to thrive in the modern world. 


COMMUNITY and equity


​​​​​​​Build an awareness of how equality and equity are crucial for ensuring fairness and preventing discrimination. 


Appreciate the diverse cultures and family structures represented by different beliefs, gender, race, sexuality and opinion.


Understand how significant events, groups and individuals have impacted upon their communities. 



PLANET and sustainability


A curriculum that builds the belief that their actions can result in a better, more sustainable and inhabitable world.


Understanding the current international climate crisis that is affecting our lives now and for the foreseeable future.


The fate of our planet is in our young people’s hands, so it is crucial that all children learn how to use resources wisely and do their bit in the battle against climate change from an early age.

SAFETY & risk


We recognise that there are ever changing risks in our communities, both face to face and online.


  • Local data shows that children at Desford Community Primary School spend a higher-than-average amount of time unsupervised online. 


Prepares children for using technology in an ever-changing world, engaging meaningfully with the world around them and interacting safely online.



Learn to collaborate and connect with others, expressing themselves with confidence. 


Think critically to analyse and challenge information, having the strength of relationships with themselves and others to be able to do that.


Develop into young people that truly value and care for other people regardless of their individual strengths and struggles.


Balance the delicate interaction of taking care of themselves, mind body and soul, and prioritising the needs of others that that we all succeed.                         
